
Former Colombian President Ivan Duque calls for US to take more proactive role in Latin America

Colombian President Ivan Duque has called on the United States to take a more proactive role in Latin America in order to help address the numerous challenges facing the region.

Duque argued that the US should play a more expansive part in addressing issues like organized crime, corruption, drug trafficking, and the illegal arms trade. He also urged the US to invest more resources into promoting economic stability and security through economic cooperation initiatives.

Duque believes that by increasing its engagement in the region, the US can help Colombia and its neighbors address a range of deeply rooted economic and social issues. In particular, he argued that the US should use its technological capabilities to combat drug-related crime and also strengthen institutions that are critical for the region’s stability.

The Colombian leader’s call for greater US engagement in the region comes at a time when the Biden administration is hoping to strengthen its diplomatic presence and influence in Latin America. With Duque’s words, it’s clear that the US has the opportunity to play a significant role in promoting economic and social progress throughout the region.