Biden decries ‘evil’ Hamas attack, says Americans being held hostage

‘should be released immediately’

Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday condemned the recent attacks by the Hamas militant group in Israel and expressed his “grave concern” for the safety of American citizens who are being held hostage.

“The United States is deeply concerned about the ongoing clashes in Israel and condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent rocket and mortar attacks by Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza against Israeli civilians,” Biden said in a statement.

“We call on all parties to immediately and completely cease such attacks,” he continued. “Such violence is unacceptable and dangerous to both Israeli and Palestinian civilians, and Israeli security forces must respond proportionately and responsibly to protect their people.”

Biden also expressed his “grave concern” for the safety of American citizens who are being held hostage by Hamas, stating that “they should be released immediately.”

“The United States will continue to spare no effort to secure their safe release,” he said.

Finally, Biden called on both sides to come together to end the violence through a negotiated settlement and to “return to a path of peace and dialogue.”

“The senseless violence must end, and we call on Hamas and other armed groups to cease their aggression immediately,” Biden said. “The evil of Hamas’ attacks against innocent civilians cannot be tolerated.”