Does new House speaker really think Biden impeachment push is apolitical?

No, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not believe the Biden impeachment push is apolitical. Pelosi has made it clear that she thinks the impeachment inquiry is politically motivated and she believes that Republicans are trying to distract the public from President Donald Trump’s own legal troubles. In fact, Pelosi even called the impeachment inquiry “a […]


Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s sister looks to join her in Congress

Pramila Jayapal’s sister, State Sen. Pramila Kumar, is running for Washington State’s 8th Congressional District seat in the 2020 election. Under Washington state’s top-two system, Kumar could face off against her sister in a primary, as they are both running for the same seat. Rep. Jayapal was first elected in 2016 and has served a […]


Israel-Gaza war consumes Biden’s attention

The Israel-Gaza war has undoubtedly consumed President Biden’s attention as the conflict continues to worsen. Biden and his administration have actively worked to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in recent days. Biden and Secretary of State Blinken have both spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, as well as Egyptian and other regional leaders, […]


Campaign, court gag order collide with Trump attack on likely witness

The Trump administration is facing a major test in how it handles the Justice Department’s efforts to keep witness testimony under wraps in a high-profile criminal case. On Tuesday, the Justice Department sought a 90-day delay in the trial of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, to accommodate a gag order requested […]


Expel George Santos? Some fear terrible precedent despite his terrible record

If a person has a terrible record, and they have been accused of violating laws or their institution’s regulations, then it is likely that they will face disciplinary action and may be expelled or suspended from their institution. However, the decision to expel someone should always be made carefully and with consideration of a variety […]


Mike Pence suspends his struggling 2024 campaign

Vice President Mike Pence has suspended his 2024 presidential campaign due to his declining popularity. Pence had been lagging in polls and had only one percent support — the lowest of any Republican aspirant in the early race. The former Indiana governor had also failed to raise the money necessary to fund a national campaign, […]


‘I’m the longshot’: Dean Phillips embraces underdog role in shaky debut against Biden

Dean Phillips is a first-time congressional candidate in Minnesota’s 3rd District and he’s doing his best to embrace an underdog role. The Democrat from Minnesota, who is taking on incumbent Republican Erik Paulsen in a competitive race, is running on a platform of accessibility, transparency and bipartisanship. He has positioned himself as the Alvin York-like […]


Jewish Florida lawmaker breaks from DeSantis and endorses Trump

: ‘He is my pro-Israel president’ Florida state representative Randy Fine, a Republican and Jewish American, announced his endorsement for President Donald Trump’s reelection, breaking away from Governor Ron DeSantis, who recently endorsed another presidential contender. Fine, who represents Brevard County in the Florida House, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency he endorsed Trump because the […]


How is the Republican presidential nominating fight not over?

The Republican presidential nominating fight is not over because there has not yet been a majority of pledged delegates secured by any of the remaining candidates. Although one candidate, Donald Trump, has received more delegates than the other candidates, he has not yet won enough delegates to secure an outright majority of the total pledged […]