
Oversight Committee targets Buttigieg for ‘disturbing pattern’ of travel ‘safety failures’

The Oversight Committee of the House of Representatives has accused Democratic Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg of displaying a “disturbing pattern” of travel “safety failures” in a new report. The report focused on Buttigieg’s travel on official business for the Navy Reserve, which he joined in 2017.

The report highlighted a number of instances where Buttigieg violated basic military travel protocols. These included failing to provide proper notification to superiors, lack of adherence to safety guidelines, and non-compliance with assigned duty orders. The report also noted that there were at least three separate instances when Buttigieg’s travel documents were incomplete.

The Oversight Committee raised serious concerns over Buttigieg’s “failure to comply with basic safety protocols necessary for protecting his own health and for properly executing his assigned duties as a reservist.” They also expressed concerns about the potential security implications of Buttigieg’s actions.

The committee recommended that the Pentagon and Buttigieg take proactive measures to improve travel safety and security protocols and urged the Pentagon to take appropriate disciplinary action for any instances of non-compliant behavior.