
DeSantis campaign slams Newsom’s ‘blueprint for failure,’ explains why their debate will be ‘biggest one yet’

The Republican nominee for Governor of California, John Cox, and his campaign have slammed Governor Gavin Newsom’s “blueprint for failure” and said that their debate will be “the biggest one yet.”

Cox and Newsom will meet for their first and only major public debate on October 8th, and the Cox campaign says that it will be “a chance for California voters to see the stark contrast between Governor Newsom’s now-familiar, big-spending agenda and Cox’s common-sense plans to curb government waste, reduce taxes and put people back to work.”

The Cox campaign has argued that Newsom “cares more about legal gimmicks and special interests than meeting the needs of everyday Californians,” and has gotten California “off on the wrong track.” They have argued that Newsom’s plans to raise taxes on businesses, expand the state’s carbon emissions cap and limit rent controls could lead to job losses and hurting the state’s economy rather than helping it.

Cox’s campaign says that he is “the clear choice to move California forward” and that he will “bring common sense to California’s finances, protect taxpayers, and champion economic prosperity.”

The debate, they added, “will be the biggest one yet” for the California governor’s race and “a clear choice for the future of California.”