Congressman’s home vandalized with message calling for Gaza cease-fire

The home of U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley, a Democrat from Illinois, was vandalized in late July 2019 with a message calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. The graffiti read “End Gaza + Free Palestine” and was spray-painted in several spots on a garage door.

The Congressman’s office released a statement condemning the vandalism, noting that while Rep. Quigley is a strong supporter of a two-state solution that brings peace and security to the region, vandalism and hate speech have no place in the political discourse.

This vandalism incident follows months of tension and violence between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. Since March 2018, over 250 Palestinians have been killed in the ongoing violence, including militants and civilians. Israeli forces have also suffered losses. Rep. Quigley is among many politicians calling for an end to the violence and a return to the negotiating table to find a peaceful resolution.