
Bret Baier speaks with Wisconsin voters ahead of debate

As part of FOX News’ lead up to the first debate of the 2020 election cycle, anchor Bret Baier spoke with Wisconsin voters to get their perspectives on the issues and candidates. Baier, based in Milwaukee, reported on the conversations, which highlighted the diversity of Wisconsin’s electorate. In particular, Baier spoke with members of America’s Dairyland Dairy Cooperative, a diverse group of dairy farmers from around the state. He also spoke with a college student who said he was still undecided on who to vote for. In addition, he spoke with a stay-at-home mom who was looking for more details on how candidates plan to address childcare.

Overall, the conversations painted a portrait of the issues and dynamics driving the 2020 election in Wisconsin. Voter health care was a major topic, with many lamenting the lack of a public option and criticizing the current system. Baier also covered topics such as the trade war, jobs in rural Wisconsin, and the impeachment inquiry.