Conway Schools Web Site

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Copyright © 1998 by Conway Schools All rights reserved.


Welcome to the S.C.A.T. Web Page!.


We are the School Computer Assisted Technology Team, or S.C.A.T. for short. S.C.A.T. is a group of students, teachers, and parents who work together to integrate computer and other technology into the curriculum of Conway NH schools.

In addition to helping teachers and students make use of technology, the S.C.A.T. team also works with the PTA and other community groups to promote computer literacy and access to services.

We hope you will find this page useful and informative. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Thanks for visiting.


S.C.A.T. Team Members:

Mrs. Patricia McNicol (faculty advisor)

Mr. Joe O’Brien (parent/tech support)

Mr. Matt Ballou (parent/tech support)

Shawna, Mary, and Mike (student members)



* Developing web pages and multimedia projects for the Conway schools

* Setting up computer labs in classrooms

* Organizing and running the annual “Computer Challenge” for Conway students

* Maintaining and updating the district’s network

* Helping teachers and students make use of technology

* Promoting computer literacy and access to services


Contact Us:

If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us at:

All rights reserved.

Copyright © 1998 by Conway Schools
