
What to know about travel safety as the Israel-Hamas war continues

Numerous travelers have expressed concerns about their safety amid the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas. For those considering traveling to or within the region, the U.S. Department of State urges citizens to remain vigilant and exercise caution.

The U.S. government warns against all nonessential travel to the Gaza Strip and recommends avoiding nonessential travel within Israel and the West Bank. It also advises travelers to remain cognizant of their surroundings and monitor local news outlets for updates on the situation.

Individuals in the area should stay away from areas of conflict, including the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. In any major city, travelers should remain aware of their surroundings and stay in well-lit and populated areas. It is also recommended that large gatherings be avoided and that individuals remain cognizant of their dress and language.

Travelers should also research their destination and accommodation to ensure they are in secure areas that are not likely to be targeted by violence. Finally, travelers should minimize road travel in the area, and if necessary, opt for reliable and secure routes.

Israel and Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, but travelers should remain cautious and follow the guidelines of the U.S. Department of State for their own safety.