
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos rebukes network for not challenging Trump

Jorge Ramos, the widely respected anchor of the Univision nightly news, recently decried his network for not seriously challenging Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on immigration and other issues.

At a forum on press and politics at Columbia University, Ramos said that when it comes to Trump, “Univision hasn’t done its job.” Ramos argued that while Univision has not shied away from criticizing Trump’s incendiary comments, it has not gone far enough in challenging him on his divisive views.

Ramos said that Univision had failed to demand that Trump provide specifics to back up his immigration plan, which includes a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. He asserted that Trump should have been asked, “Ordinary people deserve to know how he proposes to build this wall when he doesn’t have the money to do it or the political support?”

Ramos is not alone in his criticism of the media in its coverage of Trump. Many journalists have argued that the media needs to be tougher in questioning Trump’s statements in order to get to the truth. In this sense, Ramos’ criticism is part of an important discussion about the role of the media in covering politics in today’s climate.