Trump’s Georgia case could get real — quickly

Donald Trump’s latest efforts to overturn the Georgia election results could become a significant legal test of just how powerful the outgoing president is— and fast.

The case, filed late Sunday by the Trump campaign in Georgia state court, seeks to toss out the certified election results and demand a do-over, in an attempt to deny Joe Biden the state’s 16 electoral votes in the November election. The case is based on evidence that Trump and his campaign allege shows the election was “rigged” in President-elect Biden’s favor.

Legal experts say the case has a remote chance of succeeding, given the sheer amount of evidence presented and the overall strength of the claims made by the Trump campaign. But that hasn’t stopped the case from drawing considerable attention from voters and legal observers, who are clamoring to know whether Trump can pull off a victory or if the case will be dismissed as frivolous.

At this point, it is unclear how quickly and efficiently the Georgia court will move to hear the case. If the case does move to the discovery phase, Trump and his legal team may be given access to voting records, which could allow them to make further allegations against the state’s election process. If the case goes further and results in a trial, it could take weeks or more for a decision to be made.

Ultimately, the case will not be able to undo Biden’s victory. But the outcome of the case could have a lasting impact on Trump’s political legacy — and how seriously his future legal cases are taken.