
Trump seeks pause of federal election trial to challenge immunity ruling

The White House has requested a pause in the federal court trial seeking to overturn immunity protections for senior White House officials during the Trump administration.

The Trump administration is seeking a pause while it appeals the lawsuit, which alleges that the presidential immunity established by the Supreme Court in the Nixon v. US case extends beyond the president and executive branch officials to those working in the White House and the executive office of the President.

The request for a stay of the proceedings was granted by a three-judge panel of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, allowing the government to challenge the ruling in federal court.

The case centers around former White House official Carl Kline, who was accused of retaliating against a whistleblower while he served as the director of White House personnel security. Kline had argued that White House officials were immune from being held personally liable for their actions because of presidential immunity. The government appealed the ruling, arguing that the court had gone too far in granting immunity to all White House employees.

The case is being closely watched, as it has potential implications for the future of executive immunity, and whether the executive branch can shield itself from legal accountability for their actions. It also highlights ongoing questions about the scope of executive power granted to the president during the Trump administration.