Texas nabs MS-13 gang member and registered sex offender at southern border

Texas authorities recently nabbed a known MS-13 gang member and registered sex offender after he illegally crossed into the US at the southern border. The 36-year-old Guatemalan man was apprehended by US Border Patrol agents and turned over to the Laredo Sector Criminal Alien Program on Jan. 4.

A press release issued by the Customs and Border Protection agency revealed the man had a prior deportation in 2019 and had been previously arrested for sexual assault in 2011. The man had also been enrolled in the MS-13 gang since 2004.

The man is currently facing charges for illegally re-entering the country and could face additional charges related to his affiliation with MS-13.

The apprehension of the man is the latest example of the ongoing efforts to combat illegal immigration and criminal activity at the US-Mexico border. The agency has also taken steps to strengthen its presence there, including increasing the number of agents in the region and enhancing border security measures.