
Nancy Mace previews House hearing on AI deepfakes

On Monday, March 8th, the House Oversight and Reform Committee will hold a hearing to discuss the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to produce deepfakes. This hearing comes as concerns over deepfakes have intensified due to the proliferation of technology that can make people appear to say or do things they have not said or done.

Due to the potential threat posed by deepfakes, the hearing will open the floor for technology experts to educate the committee on the possible national security threats and legal implications associated with their use. Witnesses at the hearing will include Jack Cable, Technology supervisor for the Georgetown University Center on Privacy and Technology, and Dr. Troy Smith, associate professor at the Naval Postgraduate School.

The committee will call upon the witnesses to review the current state of the technology and identify what tools are available to spot deepfakes. In addition, the committee will consider legislative solutions to counter the threat posed by deepfakes.

The hearing could lead to the formation of a game plan to prepare for the future of deepfakes, such as exploring potential legislation to identify and respond to deepfakes. It will also provide an opportunity for lawmakers to be educated on the potentials of deepfakes. The hearing will investigate how artificial intelligence is used to create deepfakes and the potential threat they pose to the stability of our democracy.