
Blackburn demands Durbin subpoena unredacted Epstein flight logs as Senate Judiciary Committee’s ‘first act’

Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee is calling for the Senate Judiciary Committee to subpoena unredacted Jeffrey Epstein flight logs as its “first act.”

Blackburn said in a statement that the flight logs “are a critical element to understanding the conviction and subsequent non-prosecution agreement from 2005, as well as Epstein’s victims’ credible allegations of child exploitation and abuse.”

The former congresswoman also argued that the new attorney general, William Barr, should “be held accountable” for the decision to reverse Epstein’s plea deal and “allow the American people the opportunity to understand the Department of Justice’s actions.”

The flight logs in question include records of Epstein’s trips from 1998 to 2005 on his notorious private jet, the “Lolita Express.” The billionaire financier allegedly transported underage girls around the world for purposes of sexual exploitation.

Blackburn has also asked that Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) subpoena the flight logs from private companies that were involved in the trips. Durbin has yet to respond to the call for subpoenas from Blackburn.