Biden campaign amps up focus on Trump, starting with Jan. 6 speech

The Biden campaign has been working to focus more attention on President Donald Trump and his actions and policies, with the recent Capitol Hill riot once again bringing into sharp relief the challenge of uniting the nation after a turbulent four years of leadership. Biden’s team is hoping to use the January 6 speech, when Trump will address the nation for the first time since a mob of his supporters stormed the Capitol, to draw attention to his divisive behavior and the damage it’s caused to the country. The campaign has been using the speech as a chance to remind voters of Trump’s record while also emphasizing Biden’s commitment to a fairer, more equitable and inclusive America. In the days leading up to the speech, the Biden campaign has been calling on Trump to renounce the rioters, accept responsibility for his role in stoking the violence and accept the results of the election. They’ve also been speaking out against Trump’s refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Biden has also focused his speeches on the need for unity and healing, and his team will be ready to respond immediately once Trump’s address is over.