
The Speaker’s Lobby: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to a possible government shutdown

1. Anticipate disruptions. It’s important to anticipate the possible consequences of a government shutdown. As the effects of a shutdown can range from delayed benefits to frozen contracts, it’s important to prepare ahead of time for the potential impacts.

2. Plan ahead. Depending on the duration of a shutdown, it’s important to take proactive steps to account for any potential interruptions. Planning ahead can help minimize the impact on bills, contracts, programs, and other agency operations.

3. Check your eligibility. Many government services are not impacted by a shutdown, however, it’s important to check the availability of services that are applicable to you.

4. Contact your representatives. It’s important to make your voices heard during a potential government shutdown. Contact your representatives to voice your concerns, when possible.

5. Take advantage of resources. Many resources exist to help both those impacted by a shutdown as well as those trying to prepare for one. Utilize these resources to stay up-to-date on the latest news and get the information needed to help minimize the disruption.