Hunter Biden tax charges dismissed by federal judge following plea deal breakdown

Biden, 50, was accused in October 2019 of failing to pay federal taxes on foreign income. The case was dismissed Thursday after prosecutors and Biden’s attorneys said they had reached a plea deal but couldn’t agree on the terms. Judge J. Travers Clement ruled that the deal had been sufficiently negotiated but the agreements were “unenforceable” and required Biden’s consent to go into effect.

The charges against Hunter Biden have been dismissed by a federal judge following a breakdown in the plea deal between prosecutors and his lawyers. Biden was accused in October 2019 of failing to pay federal taxes on foreign income but the case was dismissed on Thursday after the two attorneys said they had reached a plea deal that they could not agree upon. Judge J. Travers Clement ruled that although the deal was sufficiently negotiated, it required Biden’s consent to go into effect and that the agreement was “unenforceable” without his agreement.