
Former House speaker floats idea of removing Gaetz from House GOP caucus, committees

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday floated the possibility of removing Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) from the House Republican caucus, as well as committees, due to a federal investigation into his alleged misconduct.

In an interview with Axios, Ryan said the charges against Gaetz could be “a bridge too far” if they’re proven true.

“If those things are true — that’s [a] huge problem,” he said. “If the House has to go down this path, there has to be a sanction for this kind of behavior, and the sanction would be removal from the Republican conference or committees and so forth.”

He added that such a move would be “root out some of the behaviors he’s alleged to have engaged in.”

Gaetz has denied the allegations against him and has said he will not resign. It remains to be seen what action, if any, the House will take if the allegations against him are proven to be true.