Ron DeSantis wanted to change the way campaigns were funded. Then the fights started.

In 2019, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida proposed a change to Florida’s campaign finance laws that would have created a so-called “free flow” of money among political campaigns, allowing any donor to contribute to any Florida campaign without any limits. The proposal drew immediate criticism from Democrats, including party Chair Terrie Rizzo who warned […]


Trump quotes Putin condemning American democracy, praises autocrat Orban

In a recent interview with the Financial Times, US President Donald Trump praised Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, calling him a “respected person” and echoing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s criticism of American democracy. Trump said, “Vladimir Putin said (American democracy) is a funny business, and he’s right. But we have something here that you don’t […]


Senate passes defense policy bill void of most GOP culture-war demands

The U.S. Senate has passed an annual defense policy bill that excluded many of the controversial Republican social policy provisions originally proposed in the version released by the House earlier this year. The annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was approved by a vote of 86-8 by the Senate on Tuesday, June 30. The measure […]


The GOP’s impeachment inquiry starts on shaky political ground

The GOP’s impeachment inquiry starts on shaky ground from a political standpoint, as many question the rationale for any inquiry given the current partisan climate and internal divisions within the Republican party. While the inquiry could potentially uncover new facts and evidence regarding the Trump Administration, there is a risk that it could backfire and […]


Man charged with threatening to kill GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy

Police in Queens, New York have arrested a man for allegedly threatening to kill Republican congressional candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. The man, whose identity has not been released, allegedly made the threat via social media. According to the NYPD, the suspect sent a tweet that read “I will murder Vivek today”. The man was charged with […]


House censures New York Democrat Jamaal Bowman for pulling fire alarm

On May 14, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives voted along party lines to censure New York Democrat Jamaal Bowman for pulling the fire alarm at the Capitol during an attempt to enter the House chamber. Bowman had contended that he was acting to support redditormembers of Congress who had been locked out of the […]


No previous primary debates centered on such unpopular candidates

The 2020 Democratic primary debates did focus on a variety of unpopular candidates, although none of them were as controversial as Donald Trump. Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg all had their moments in the spotlight during the debates despite lackluster poll numbers and little public enthusiasm for their campaigns. Additionally, several […]


For $350, George Santos will congratulate, cheer or troll you

in the comments section of your post. He will post positive comments to cheer you up, or funny and snarky comments to troll you. George will also respond to comments left by others, whether they are positive or negative. He will be sure to leave witty and engaging responses and can retrieve information about the […]


Trump attempts to spin anti-democracy, authoritarian criticism against Biden

In response to criticism against his authoritarian behavior, President Trump has attempted to deflect and spin the criticism to make it look like it is meant for his 2020 presidential election opponent, Joe Biden. He has tweeted that Biden and the Democrats are trying to “infringe on the sacred rights of the American Voter,” and […]