
Supreme Court declines to issue expedited ruling on Trump immunity case

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to issue an expedited ruling in a case involving President Donald Trump’s attempt to block a congressional subpoena issued to his longtime accounting firm.

The court gave no explanation for its decision, which came after two House committees and the Department of Justice requested that it decide the case before the end of the term.

The case involves demands from House Democrats for financial records about Trump and his business interests from Mazars USA, his longtime accounting firm. The House committees — Oversight and Reform, and Ways and Means — are seeking the records as part of their investigations into potential conflicts of interest and potential abuse of power.

The Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the case means it will be left to lower courts to decide on Trump’s legal challenge to the subpoena. A district court judge had sided with the House committees, but Trump appealed, leading to the Supreme Court’s involvement.

The president’s lawyers had argued that the subpoena was overly broad and issued in bad faith and also questioned the legality of it. The Supreme Court simultaneously rejected a separate request from Trump’s lawyers to block the subpoena from being enforced while his appeal was pending.

The Supreme Court’s decision leaves the legal battle in limbo as the 2020 election approaches. The court could still weigh in on the matter, but the timeline is unclear.