Hard-right backtrack on spending levels leaves sour taste for colleagues

The hard-right backtrack on spending levels by the government has left a sour taste for both finance and social policy colleagues, who have expressed their dismay at the sudden shift in policy. The government’s enthusiasm for reducing spending and maintaining tight fiscal discipline has been in direct opposition to the calls from colleagues for increased public spending to support economically disadvantaged communities.

The government’s policy shift has provoked much criticism from those on the left of the political party. Across the political spectrum, many have voiced hopes that the government would reconsider the decision, and rather commit to meaningful programs for social inclusion and support for the most vulnerable, which could be funded by a rise in public spending.

Economists have noted that the spending cuts could be counter-productive, leading to an increase in poverty, inequality and homelessness. Moreover, it could reduce economic output at a time when the UK economy already suffers a substantial contraction due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

At a time when support for those in need is needed more than ever, the hard-right backtrack on spending levels has alienated many members of both the government and the opposition parties who are concerned for vulnerable people in society. The government should reconsider this decision and focus on improving social conditions in an effort to create a fair society and a balanced economy.